Friday, November 23, 2007

2 months old!

I cant believe! I also cant believe i have to go back to work in 5 weeks :( Im so sad about that!

Jack is doing really well. He was 11 pounds 5 ounces and 21 1/2 inches at his pedi appt. He went from being in the 10th percentile to the 50th with weight (still in 10th for height, but im short so no worries). He's becoming a chubba, he even has rolls on his hands! He also got 3 shots and one oral one. He handled the shots pretty well (screamed when he got them tho :( ) but i gave him tylenol throughout the day and he was OK. He is also developing perfectly fine...keep up the good work, buddy! :)

He smiles all the time now. Its by far the really melts me everytime he does it. He reaches for toys and trys to grab them. He loves to feel textures...he is always rubbing my shirt when he nurses. He kicks his legs like crazy. He tracks his toys really well, and even goes diagonally. He "talks" all the time. He LOVES to look constantly walking around the house with him b/c he hates to just stay still. Right now he's been in his swing for 10 minutes and thats a record! He also enjoys us talking to him, he fixates on our faces and smiles big when we make faces at him. He really likes his baths too...he kicks up a storm...i swear he'd stay in it all day if i let him.

His schedule is getting more predictable. He's been sleeping for a good 5 hour stretch in the beginning of the night 9-10 to 2-3. But then he's up again every 2 hours...but you gotta start somewhere, right? He is alert most of the day with catnaps here and there. Around 6 is when his fussy time begins and we give him a bath and play with him until 7 then i nurse him until he falls asleep which isnt until 9-10. Yes i nurse him pretty consistently during that time but he's mostly just using me as a pacifer. Ive tried EVERYTHING to get him to take the pacifer but he just wont. I dont know what petes gonna do when i go back to work! I work 3p-11p so hes gonna have to deal alone. Good thing its only 3 days a week!!

I hope everyone had a good turkey-day. We went to my was a very relaxing day.

Sorry for such a book but its rare i can update these days! I'll post some more pics soon!

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