Monday, November 02, 2009


bb hurt, had night sweats last night...crampy here and there.

4 more the waiting is so tough. Still hoping, praying wishing.

Last night was my first day back to work and the first report i got was a 28 yr old who has a history of cocaine abuse and the father is HIV+ and she obviously having unprotected sex wih welcome back...

Halloween was so much fun!! Jack was a pirate, this was his first time he went out. He carried his pail the whole way and even when it go heavy he wouldnt let me take it from him! It was dragging in the ground but he didnt care! lol He said "tank goo" to everyone and had a blast :) I love seeing my kid happy!

Not so happy right now, he's screaming his head off b/c im putting him down for a nap. If someone would put me down for a nap right now id love them forever!


Jessica said...

What is it that makes a kid fight their sleep so badly? Brody will cry and yell with his eyes already half-closed, he's so tired sometimes! Here's hoping you get some great news in 4 days!

Grad3 said...

Hope that the symptoms are for a great reason ;)

Yeah, that's a helluva welcome back to work... my son is now calling my name--- keep us posted!