Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rollarcoaster ride.

UG! So we went in for my u/s this afternoon and we saw the 3 sacs right away. The yolk sac is still in baby A and B and C are empty and looked "small". She didnt sem to give those 2 much hope. She spent alot of time on sac A and measuring it but i could tell she wasnt very hopeful.

Im only 5w1d so she said she wants to give it another couple days and see what happens. MY beta was only 53. I do feel crampy today so who knows. But it wasnt very promising AT ALL.

So we talked alittle bit about a plan. Im done with IVF. I cant do it anymore esp if im getting the same results with the IVF. So Pete and i are just going to have fun and let nature take its course. Ill get a HSG just to check my other tube and then stay on the Baby asprin and go on Progesterone supplements to be safe. MIGHT do clomid but not sure.

Im very sad but i know it will work again at some point. I need to live my life and not let this be such a big part of it.


Emily Nielson said...

(((HUGS))) I understand the need to live your life. I was just talking to my DH about that tonight. I finally have a goal that doesn't include baby making, and I want to meet it, even if it means skipping the meds for a month or two. (((HUGS))) again and know I'm thinking of you.

Emily Nielson said...

(((hugs))) Torri. I'm thinking of you.