Friday, July 08, 2011

34 weeks!

OK before i start this post im going to apologize on how whiney im going to sound!

I HURT! And i mean H.U.R.T! It started basically the day i turned 34 weeks. I cant walk without holding onto something, it feels like my pelvis is breaking with each step. My back is spasming (which hurts like hell). The Braxton Hicks a tad more frequent and more intense, ive had a few that have woken me up in the middle of the night. I was in so much pain last night that i was dreaming i was in the hospital getting pain meds...My belly is so low (both babies are now head down and so low that they have a hard time finding them on u/s). I have no real signs of labor coming. I think im just feeling the effects have having 2 5ish pounds babies inside my tiny 5-1 body frame.

Aside from all my aches and pains i am SO THRILLED that ive made this far and each day feels like a major accomplishment. 36 + weeks is still my goal..which is 7/20.

Sams Update:

We went this past monday for our doppler flow u/s and everything looks great. We go this monday for a growth scan and if Sam doesnt grow enough and his cord flow looks crappy then im off to the hospital for bedrest so i can get continuous monitoring. Both babies have passed all NSTs/BPPs with flying colors.

So my next goal is to make it to Monday for our ultrasound.

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