And here are some super cute pictures of my neice, Sage and her Uncle Pete!

Isnt she just the cutest! Ok, so another week! YAY! This is a huge milestone in my mind. This week was good. Jack is moving alot now but changed position the last couple of days so i dont feel him as often but its still about 10 times a day. My ribs are starting to ache b/c things are getting pushed up which isnt pleasant and my back hurts from the weight of my belly and layin down all the time. But im not complaining at all...im loving every minute!
We went recliner looking today and bought one - EEK! Our first big baby purchase but it can be used in the living room as well when he gets bigger. We are still on the hunt for a crib and matching bereaus - no luck yet but, thats OK since i dont want to buy it until 24 weeks anyways.
I cant wait to feel more comfortable with the pregnancy. I hate being so nervous but i know the reality of things and to tell you the truth i just want september to get here! I want to just have this little man safe in my arms. Thank goodness im getting induced at 37 weeks, i dont think my mind could take being late!
Dr. B never called about the u/s so im assuming everything looked good. I guess ill know for sure on the 29th. I know i should call but if there IS something to worry about i'd rather not know right now.
But im feeling good and each week i start to get more and more excited. I have some little outfits that i just stare at and cant wait to have him here to put him in them. I hope the next 4 weeks fly by b/c then we will be "safe".
Hi Torri and Pete, I love the play by plays...even though we haven't talked in a while I feel all caught up:) You look so beautiful!!!!! YOU ARE PREGNANT...YA'LL ARE HAVING A BOY!!!! I love you. Looking forward to reading more updates. Love ya Therin
Hi Torri,
This is Alyssa from the babycenter thread. I was just wondering how you were doing. I'm glad to see all is well. Keep in touch okay?
Hi Torri,
This is Alyssa from the babycenter thread. I was just wondering how you were doing. I'm glad to see all is well. Keep in touch okay?
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