Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diagnosis: Bad Luck

So i saw Dr. P today and we went over my new plan. She was actually glad i came in to go back to IVF since this plan wasnt working.We are going to do IVF no PGD (1. b/c im a bit jaded by it now with back to back losses and 2. she doesnt think itll be covered and i dont have 6000 to throw down to pay for something thats not a sure thing).

Shes not super keen on me taking the prednisone but she going to continue the medrol for 4 days and then go to 5mg of prednisone to maintain the effects of the medrol but if i get pregnant it will increase to 10mg until a heartbeat is detected then we'll wean off of it.

We are going to do 3 weeks worth of Doxycycline b/c i have a history of endometritis (infection of the uterine lining) and my last antibiotic treatment was 8+ months ago so just to cover our bases.

We are going to push for a Day 5 transfer and put in 2 of the best. Pete and i do not want to put in more then 2 since we got pregnant with the triplets and thats not something we can handle.

My period is due next thursday so the ER will be in November.

She said i have a 2/3 chance of having another baby - thats a 66.6% chance....lets hope.

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