Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3dp3dt and Jack :)

Thats code for 6 days since "ovulation" so ive got 9 more days til i know the results.

So the obsessing has begun...

Yesterday 2dp3dt :
Started feeling some good cramping/burning in my uterus. Def something going on in there. But is it just the work of the progesterone? Im very bloated still but i think thats just the prog. I had a slight case of "fire nipples" yesterday which made me excited cause the last time i had that was Jacks pregnancy...but it was also closer to beta day so idk know if the hormones are just playing tricks on me. I also had some dizziness yesterday..not bad but there. Also im exhausted and all i wanna do is lay down....does prog do that?

Last night i woke up with the burning in my uterus.. i think?? thats a good sign but i dont want to get my hopes up. I also have that ligament pulling....but already?

I know the blastocyst hatches on day 5 and starts implanting very soon after...so im hoping all this is real and not just ,y body playing tricks on me.

So Jack :)....

My little love bug. Im watching him play with playdoh right now and he is just the light of my life. That little boy is such a sweetheart. He is obsessed with me. He kisses and hugs me all day long. At bedtime he wants me to lay with him until he falls asleep. He loves for me to tickles his to sleep...def my kid :) At his 3 yr appt...he weight 29 3/4 pounds and 36 1/2 inches. Still in the 25th percentile...my lil peanut :) I wish i could put into words how much lovei feel for this little person.
He's super excited for Christmas...this isthe first year he kinda gets it. Every commercial on TV he gets so excited! So far his list is:

Weeble Treehouse - its a baby toy and i try to tell him that but the commercial is winning him over lol
Stinky Garbage Truck
Lotso Hugging Bear
Imaginext Spaceship

We've tried to take him to Santa a few times but he fell asleep. He asks everyday if Santa is coming. Pete bought a blow up Santa and put it outside and Jack loves it!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am noticing more excitement from Brody this year too! It does make the holidays more enjoyable. He doesn't seem to get the whole idea of presents though. When he says he wants something I tell him maybe for Christmas and he gives me a look like I am an idiot!