Sunday, January 14, 2007

We got Eggs!

Ok, this retrieval was far more painful then the first! My left ovary likes to hide so i guess they had to go in a different way. I did have 25 follicles they had to drain so maybe that extra 3 pushed me over the edge.

When i woke up i had tears rolling down my face b/c i was in so much pain. I got 2 shots of demerol which in turn, i got nauseous. Then i got phenergan which knocked me out. I couldnt keep my eyes open!! All the while they wanted me to pee. It wasnt fun.

But its all worth it, we got 15 eggs again, so im hoping for 2 healthy again.

I'll update when i get the fert report. Which should be sometime today.

Oh and i got the best sharp-shooter around, Pete did my Prog. shot this morning and i didnt even feel it!!

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