Saturday, July 21, 2007

29 weeks!

Things are almost done around here, most importantly,the dogs are DOWNSTAIRS!!! We slept until 7am this morning, unheard of with a crying dog at 5am usually. There's nothing major that needs to be done (besides finish the nursery and organize stuf, but we cant do that until we get the "stuff" :))

Pregnancy wise im doing well. Physically my tailbone, hips and pubic bone hurts. Sleep is now officially an Olympic event! I wake up in pain at least every 1-2 hours and it KILLS to roll over, it seriously feels like my pubic bone going to snap in half and my hips burn. Oh and its pretty comical to see me try to get up to pee since my stomach muscles dont work like they used to. My ribs also hurt from time to time but not bad. Jack moves my whole belly when he kicks now, which is so fun to watch. Some of his kicks make me jump b/c they are so hard! He has such a personality already...he'll kick like crazy if me or pete are rubbing my belly or talking but AS SOON as someone goes to feel he'll either stop completely or only give light taps! Little stinker!!

Mentally i am SO BORED! It doesnt help that im out of work and all week im here, alone. I try to have plans for during the week with some friends to break it up and that really helps. I know he has a good 7 weeks left to bake but i am SO READY for that time to be here! I just want to start my life and meet him!! Once August gets here itll go fast since the first 3 weekends we have plans and doctor appts are going to be almost weekly with u/s's and regular appts.

I really wanted to go away just the two of us before our life changes FOREVER but i dont think its going to be possible. Plus, i cant really walk for too long b/c my feet swell and my tailbone hurts after about 5 minutes of sitting...and the heat is almost unbearable after 5 minutes..oh well :) Ill take all of it over a vaca ANYTIME. I truly do love being pregnant! (but it just lasts TOO LONG).

So this week i have my u/s and OB appt. on monday. Im going to ask what the plan is going to be for the next 7 wks and hopefully have an idea when hes coming (im thinking its going to be 9/14). Tuesday i have my gest. Diabetic class (oh fun) to learn the diet and how to test my sugars. Im actually excited about this diet b/c i heard you actually lose weight on it and it helps to stay on it after you have the babe b/c it helps you shed the pounds quicker, so ill take it! :)

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