Thursday, July 26, 2007

One year ago...

This time last year i was driving into Providence and calling the fertility doctor to let him know i had a + HPT. I was hopeful but cautiously optimistic since this was my 3rd pregnancy in 9 months. Well i wont get into details since we know it didnt work out.

I really dont dwell on the past but sometimes it comes back to haunt you. My past is what makes me so nervous with this pregnancy and what makes me not enjoy this pregnancy as much as i would like.

My past is also what makes me appreciate what i have so much more then if all the m/c's didnt happen. I wish they didnt happen, but i wouldnt change anything b/c this whole journey has made me who i am now....and has brought Jack to me.

I will never forget those angels i lost. Jack is my miracle baby and all those late nights and moments where most will want to scream, i will relish in every second of it b/c it took me so long to experience motherhood.

So just b/c i dont talk about my m/c's doesnt mean i dont think about them anymore. Im just in a different spot in my life and i am so grateful to be here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw tor that just about made me cry... esp this part,

"I will never forget those angels i lost. Jack is my miracle baby and all those late nights and moments where most will want to scream, i will relish in every second of it b/c it took me so long to experience motherhood." have come so far and i am so very truly happy for you!!!