Wednesday, January 26, 2011

11 weeks and NT Scan

At this point the 2nd trimester is teasing me! Im feeling somwhat better nausea wise, its 50% of the day now vs. ill take it. I still have major food adversions and nothing but pizza has been sounding good to me. That and fruit. Im exahusted - more like "foggy" all day long. Im so thankful Jack is 3 and not 18 mo. or this would be ALOT harder!

I went yesterday for a quick scan with my RE and everything is still trucking along.

BABY A measured 11.0
BABY B measured 11w2d

I may go back for one more scan next week but i might not since that will be 3 u/s's in a week!

Today i went for my NT Scan. This scan was abdominally (thank goodness cause my vag. needed a break from those damn probes!) According to this scan both babes measured 11 weeks on the nose. Baby A nuchal measurement was 1.2 B was both great! PHEW!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Awesome! Are we ever going to get to see these wee ones or your belly? hmmmm?