Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 weeks!

Still got all the same dry heaving at least once a day now. But i feel yucky all day long. It should be ending soon.

I went to Target yesterday and got some clothes that will actually fit me. My shirts no longer cut it. Even though it still just feels like bloat but i can tell my lower abdomen is getting fuller and heavier. I look like i did with Jack at about 14 weeks. Im hoping the bloat will lessen once i stop the progesterone 2 weeks.

I made my OB MED appt for next tuesday reguarding the heparin and that day im also going in for another ultrasound. Dr. P said she'll continue to keep seeing me until Dr. B takes over so im guessing ill get one more ultrasound after next week.

Im so ready for the 1T to be over....but im thankful there hasnt been any complications!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So how are you feeling about having TWINS?