Tuesday, January 04, 2011

8 weeks!

Still nauseous...it seriously is 24 hours a day. I cant sleep, walk, talk, smell ect. I couldnt even go into the kitchen today b/c something in there was setting off my gag reflex and i kept dry heaving in the sink. I had to have my mom stop at Mcdonalds on her way down to get me a egg mcmuffin cause i couldnt go in there! I am now eating what i can and totally for- going the gluten free diet. I NEED to eat and all those meals are making me sick...the smell alone drives me over the egde. I actually feel a tad better cause im getting more into me.

Some things that have helped me with the m/s....potato chips, jolly ranchers, sea bands, ginger ale, putting snacks at the bedside

The exhaustion has hit too.I sleep whenever possible. I get so tired my body aches.

Heartburn is here...been showing up pretty much daily. Weird since i never had it with Jack.

My bladder can now hold a gallon of urine! i am amazed on how much i pee at night and for how long! lol

Oh, one more thing, i ALMOST have cleavage! lol woo-hoo :)

im loving all of this though, lets me know the babes are in there thriving :)


Jessica said...

I have had horrible heartburn this whole pregnancy. Zantac has been awesome. One every 12 hours. Hope the m/s subsides soon!

Grad3 said...

YES!!! Keep feeling like crap... but hang in there ;) xoxo

If you can handle it big fan of Rolaids.. mine started early too!