Friday, March 18, 2011

Mothers Intution

It's a BOY and GIRL!
I slept ZERO last night i was so nervous, anxios and excited. I really just wanted everything to check out healthy- and it did!
When we got there we had to wait an hour before they finally called us in! Then she kept the screen towards her during most of all the measurments. After about an hour she finally told me Baby A was a BOY! I was so happy Jack would have a brother. Then it took about an hour for her to tell me baby B was a GIRL! This made me a tad emotional because i wasnt expecting to actually have a girl..believe me i would have been thrilled with 2 boys too..but im glad i get both experiences :)
Lily (or Charlotte) weighed 8oz. and Sam (that could change) was 7 oz. One has an anterior placenta and those other is "on the bottom" so im padded all around my uterus so thats why im not feeling them as prominently as i thought i would.
Everything looks good, im so relieved.
After the appt we stopped at Iparty and got the ballons Jack is holding to tell him about his baby brother and sister. He is so excited :)

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