Wednesday, June 15, 2011

31 weeks!

This is starting to HURT! Im still functioning but its getting tough. Standing for longer than 5 minutes is a big feat right now. My belly is so heavy i can carely stand it. My ribs hurt, i cant breathe, my heartburn is pretty awful somedays, but its all worth it and as much as it hurts im so thankful ive made it this far and still walking around!

My belly is growing by the minute! Im amazed at the difference just 3 weeks ago! None of my shirts fit and i refuse to buy anything else so im alternating btw 2 that somewhat fit and summer dresses. Im wearing summer dresses from last year as shirts and those are even starting to get too small!!

Since my belly is growing by leaps and bounds it is SO itchy! Its also COVERED in stretchmarks. I also have little capillaries on my belly that have burst. My belly will never be sexy again...

Im going tomorrow to the endocrinologist regarding my fasting blood sugars. Ill most likely be put on insulin. My numbers during the day are fine. I even had 2 pieces of pizza today for lunch and it was 87 after.


Kim said...

The itching was unbearable! Mine started at 27 weeks and continued until I delivered. I have no cures for you. I tried everything.

Emily Nielson said...

You are so amazing!!! Walking this late when you are so far along with twins is WONDERFUL!!! Your belly really grew this week. I like living vicariously through your having twins. It's much less work. Anyway, I'm thinking of you and cheering you on!!!