Friday, June 24, 2011

32 weeks!

Still hanging in there! This week my aches and pains are just magnified. My back is starting to really hurt, my left leg goes numb when i lay down ro sit for too long, my feet are swollen to the point i can actally feel the fluid move when i walk (ICK!). My belly is so low and heavy it hurts to stand and when i lay on my sides my Round Ligament KILLS. My Round Ligament is so tender it hurts to touch the side of my belly.

These kids move all the time. They are most active at night and early in the morning. Thier movements are starting to hurt. Sam moves so hard he shakes me whole belly. They both ricochet off my hips bones (very weird feeling). Sam pushes so hard it looks like i have a growth sticking out of me! Oh and the hiccups...Sam has them quite a bit and it seems once he stops, Lily has them.

I had alot of appt this week. First i went to the Endocrinologist for my funky fasting blood sugars (100-110). Basically he told me im "on the edge" for insulin but thinks i can control it through diet. My meter also seems "off" so he gave me a new one. I am now only allowed 30g of carbs for each meal but i can have 2 snacks after dinner plus i can have a snack in the middle of the night to help my fasting number. I havent had one number above 100 in the am since! woo-hoo!!

I had my OB appt yesterday. It was overall good. First i had my growth scan. Lily is 4lbs and is still measuring 4 days behind my due date (has been since 18 weeks). SHe is in the 23rd percentile. Sam is 3lbs 10oz and is in the 9th percentile, measuring a week behind. Once they are under the 10th %tile they need to look more closely. So im going Monday to MFM to get a BPP/NST (will have these 2x a wk now) and another scan (they have better equipment). Dr. B said ill prob have scans every week or 2 all depending what they find until i deliver. Otherwise everything else is fine. I measure 40 weeks now, i gained 3 pounds (finally) now im up about 30 pounds if i go by what i was before the IVF cycle. My Bp was 128/60 and my urine was fine. I dont go back to him until 7/14 since hes going on vacation (pray these babies dont come until he gets back!).

During the scan the tech commented numerous times how much hair Sam had! She showed it to us and it really was alot! Lily has "some". Sam is stretched out on my right side, head down. Lily is in my ribs on the left side, breeched and all curled up. Their legs are measuring behind (28+ for him 29 for her). I think this is what is bringing their weights down. Jack legs were measuring 6 weeks behind when i had him- he was 18 inches at birth.

So fingers crossed everything looks good on Monday.

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