Tuesday, November 28, 2006

No Good News! :(

Well i really suck but i just havent had the courage to post an update.

On Sat. Pete and i had sex - something we havent done in a LONG time. Afterwards i spotted very lightly and thought it was just from all the "activity" and plus i was on heparin and BA. But then Sunday i woke up to alot more than spotting, and cramps to boot :(

I was a mess on sunday. I didnt want to talk to ANYONE (besides pete and my dogs). But the phone kept ringing, everyone was concerned but i really just wanted to be left alone :(

My mom came down yesterday to go to my beta and get me out of the house, which was a def. liefsaver.

Pete and i talked. We know that this sucks - really bad. But at least it wasnt another m/c! We found answers for the m/c's during the cycle (which we didnt know if we were going to find). We now know what needs to be done.

You never know why things happen and theres gotta be a reason that this didnt work. Im putting all my energy to eat better, exercise and get ready for the next cycle.

We're going 12/12 for our f/u and to review my cycle. I also switched doctors to Dr. P b/c even though Dr. F is a smart man, he just didnt have the compassion or the flexibility im looking for (hes narrowminded and is set in his ways).

So thank you to all the wonderful ladies who are following my story. I hope ill have a happy outcome at some point to give hope to everyone going through this hell-ride.


Anonymous said...

Torri, I'm so sorry. I hope things can still work out for you. I'm glad you are going to change to a dr you are more comfortable with. Again, I'm so sorry :(
Emily (sissamom)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that you don't suck! The situation does however...(well it does!)

Sorry it didn't work THIS time, hun.

Many hugs and many adult beverages this holiday season ;) ~Amy