Monday, August 13, 2007

32 wk update/belly and shower pics!!

Our baby shower for Petes side of the family was this weekend. We got so much and ALOT of the big things, we are so appreciative and im still overhwlemed that *I* had a BABY shower!!

Its why i Love him :):

My gram made this quilt! This will be cherished forever!!

Surrounded by presents!

Cute pic of us :) I dont know if you can see it unless you enlarge the pic but petes shirts says "Look what i did" with a stick figure of a pregnant lady, lol :)

my gram, mom, sister, sage and me!

32 wk belly pic!

Sorry it took me so long to update but as you can see, it was a busy weekend! The shower was beautiful my SIL did a GREAT job! It went by so fast, i had so much fun!!! Next weekend is my families and friends baby shower, im so excited. :)
Im feeling pretty good. Having a much harder time getting around some day but its not all the time. My ligaments are REALLY sore in my pelvic region and pregnancy insomnia is hitting more frequently but its OK :) I just lay awake and feel Jack move all around....and i mean ALL around! My bladder feels like a vice (or a 4 lb baby) is squishing it..ouch!
Last Thursday i had my first NST/BPP. Little man passed the BPP in minutes but was sleeping during the NST so it took alittle longer and the nurse had to keep coming over and rubbing the monitor to try and wake him up. He was moving like crazy right before she put the monitor on but he stopped as soon as she strapped me in, lol... he always stops when someone else touches me, lol.
This week i have an appt with the lovenox doctor to figure out when we will switch over to heparin. I also have a NST/BPP tomorrow and friday.

1 comment:

Grad3 said...

Hugs! Looks like the shower was fun!