Friday, September 15, 2006

A CraZy amount of Appointments!

Yesterday i had an appt with Dr. F for a microplasma culture ( a simple bacteria that may be causing the m/c's). While there i told him we changed our minds and we are diving in -head first- for the IVF/PGD.

While he's fiddling instruments around in my "good girl" he proceeds to tell me that he's going to do a "mock embryo transfer" - HOLY SHIT this is REALLY happening! Right then and there is when i had the realization that i AM going through this, i cant carry a baby and i need IVF and that may not work, too! ARGH!

But let me tell ya, Dr. F got some talent, hes talking to me and looking me IN THE EYE as he's threading a catheder through my CERVIX! - dont you have to SEE where you going? I guess he knows va-jay-jays like the back of his hands!!

His nurse gives me a booklet on IVF (which, btw. is about 150 pages long!). There is about 7 steps i need to do in order to start the IVF. The biggest one is the b/ has to be done on Day 3 of my cycle - its about 15 tubes of blood - my FAVORTIE :\

So here are the appointments if your following along with me.
9/19- beta test - will it be down to 0 yet??? - YES IT IS!!!
9/26- IVF class
9/29- psychiatrist
10/10- DR.F to talk about the protocol
10/18- Dr. KP to talk about the PGD
and i still have a few more i need to make - ill add them as they come along!

Going to Melissa and Warrens wedding this weekend! It should be fun - i need fun!

1 comment:

Emily Nielson said...

Thanks for giving us your blog to read at the TTCAM board. I hope all goes well for you. Please keep us updated :)
Good luck!