Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The next step...

A week ago Pete and went to the RE to see what the next "plan" should be. I was pretty much expecting what was said, so it wasnt a shock.

Dr. F basically has no clue what is causing this and we have a 60% chance of carrying a baby to term ourselves - i dont believe in stats, but it still stng to hear that.

SO we had 2 options, injectable meds with IUI (they will inseminate me with Petes sperm after i give myself an injection to induce ovulation.) This is suppose to give me better quality eggs. The risk of twins is 25% - FINE BY ME!

The second option is IVF with PGD. PGD is when they will test the embryos to make sure they are healthy before they transfer them into me. THis is going to cost us 15,000 out of pocket b/c i CAN concieve, according to the insurance co.

We choose injectables (more for money reason but for sanity reason, i want the IVF). We do have 2 more consults in the next 6 weeks to see what 2 other docs say...but for now this is the plan.

Wish us luck...

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