Thursday, September 14, 2006

You dont get IT!...

Like i said before, i talk ALOT about this situation b/c it helps me.

Talking to certain people though, doesnt help. Someone should really write a book on the do's and dont's on what to say to someone going through miscarriage.

I know most of the time ppl are just trying to "help" or they just dont know what to say, which is fine, but when people start telling you HOW to cope, frankly pisses me off.

Give me credit where credit is 9 months ive had 3 m/c and lost my father. Im not locking myself in my room crying, not eating,not going to work, not talking to anyone ect. Im laughing, eating, going to work, beign social. If ONE MORE person says "your too anxious" im going to FLIP OUT!!! Im not ANXIOUS, just b/c i talk about it doesnt mean im anxious. I dont think a minute conversation gives anyone the right to tell me what i am or what i am not!

So the next time anyone is talking to someone that going through a hard time. Listen, and then tell them it sucks what they are going through and that they are handling it well, and if they are not handling it well, just give them a hug and tell them you are there for them (and actually BE there!).

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