Tuesday, September 26, 2006

In 4 weeks...

Im going to be an AUNT!!!

So many people say "I'm so sorry." when they hear my sister is pregnant! Isnt that NUTS?! Yes, it wasnt unplanned, shes not married, and she been with her bf for 36weeks (yes, shes 36 weeks). But things are going well for her. I really think that this is the best thing to happen to her, and its a BABY, more importantly- my niece!

Im so excited for Saige to get here!! (and on my selfish side note - i know her womb works...so i may need to rent it out- lol!)

Onto my fertility. We went to the IVF class today. It was alot of info, but i feel more prepared for it. And Pete is on the antibiotics as well b/c i made him call to request them! They said its not "protocol" but they gave him the perscription anyways - damn straight!! It makes me feel alot better that hes on them too.

I still cant believe this is happening...

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