Thursday, April 05, 2007


Its amazing how fast things can change...

Yesterday morning i woke up and noticed my stomach felt really hard. I thought it was just my uterus poking out. Then i got up and GUSH! I looked down and i was soaked in red blood. I hobbled over to pete and told him i was bleeding. I sat there in the dining room with blood pouring out of me. I had the phone in my hand to call the doctor but i couldnt remember the number. Pete ran out to the car to get it. I called and they told me to get to the hospital ASAP. So pete helped undress/dress me and cleaned me up as i fumbled with the doppler. My stomach was very tight but i didnt feel any cramping. As soon as i put the doppler to my belly i heard the heartbeat - 160. THANK GOD!

We were pretty quiet on the ride to the hospital and i was quite impressed on how calm i was.

When we got there it took 45 minutes for my doctor to come in. He did a quick u/s to check on Little Babe, he was bebooping all around with a nice strong heartbeat. But he couldnt find why i was bleeding. He checked my cervix and it was closed. PHEW. He ordered a "formal" u/s to try to find the source of the bleeding and to check gestational age (make sure there wasnt a lag in growth).

They took almost 2 hours until we got that and they wouldnt feed me until that was done for some reason, I was STARVING. So we get the formal u/s and Little Babe measures 14w2d (i was 13.4) so that was really good, heartbeat was 160. So LB could have cared less i was loosing blood like it was my job.

So we found out i had a low lying placenta and a subchorionic bleed. Dr. B put me on bedrest for 2 weeks. I bleed pretty good until about 2am, now its just brown spotting, THANK GOD!

They also took me off Lovenox until i have no bleeding for 24 hours. If nothing major happens by 3pm tomorrow, im gonna call and ask to start it again since i feel very nervous being off of it. Id also like another u/s to check on the bleeding but i dont know if they are going to do that. It seemed like Dr. B will just check it again at my "big" u/s on may 9th - ARGH - long ways away! But im sure if i call and ask for one, he'll give me one.

So time is standing still and im secretly scared to death (but very hopeful). Im so thankful i have my doppler, ive been checking the heatbeat every 3 hours.

Keep us in your thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww tor i am so sorry to hear that that happened! but i am sure you and the babe will be just fine. bed rest will do you good. :) i'm thinking about you!!!