Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Growing Pains

This week hasnt been fun. My TMJ is tortourous! Dr. B gave me a perscription for Vicodin, i had to take it every 3 1/2 hours on saturday and now just at night so i relax enough to allow the jaw to relax (i clench my teeth at night, and all the pressure is on one tooth and that tooth already has nerve damage so it hurt like a mother...) I have an appt next wednesday to hopefully get some kind of mouth piece to realign my jaw so i bite evenly again. But let me tell ya, a tight jaw is not fun! I cant talk, smile, laugh, eat, open my hasnt been fun!

Onto Little Babe. Hes doing well. Heartbeat is still nice and strong. He's getting bigger. I can feel my uterus about 2-3 inches below my belly button. I feel alot of pulling in my uterus. I can no longer suck in. I feel bigger in clothes then naked...odd. The spotting is still sticking around. It started getting darker this weekend and heavier. I had 2-3 good gushes of brown blood on sunday so Dr. B got another phone call LOL! He said its normal, it could be the pocket of blood coming out or that the placenta moved again causing some irritation. He said since the babes heartrate was good and strong theres nothing to worry about (easy for him to say). Im hoping its just from the babe getting bigger and just pushing out the blood or that the sac is reconnecting itself, thus pushing out the blood.

Its 3 more weeks until my next u/s. Im trying my hardest to remain busy until then. I wish i could get another to check the bleed but, i cant. Im trying to just take it easy and hope for the best.

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