Thursday, August 23, 2007

33.5 wk appt and BPP/NST

Overall everything is good.

BP 120/60, weight is -1.2 my total is now 15 pounds overall...i keep losing weight now that im on this GDM diet! Urine is fine, measuring on target, Jacks heartrate was 160.
He said "your growth u/s was right on target" i was like "WHAT?!, his femurs are measuring 4 weeks BEHIND!"...and he said "well, your short arent you?" So he looked it up in his little book and Jack is in the 3rd percentile for his legs (they want it in btw 10-90%) and 10% is 6.0 and Jack is 5.7 so the doctor said we are talking not even a half an inch! So that made me feel better, then he said that since the head and belly are measuring a few days ahead thats even better. He said he'd be more concerned if Jack was measuring 4 weeks behing overall. I guess the only real indicator for short femurs is Downs but we know Jack is healthy b/c we did PGD. So the doc told me not to worry about i "wont" :).

The we talked about induction. He is going to start doing internals at my next appt along with the GBS. If im not dialated by 37wks, he said he can still try to induce but if im rock hard i can opt to do a c/s. I know this is very controversial but i know all you ladies understand that with everything i went through to get here once im term, im done with the worry and just want the baby OUT, no matter how it happens. Im terrified that i made it this far and have something happen, so im all about the elective c/s if it comes to that.

After my appt. i went in for a NST and BPP and lil man was ALL over the place...passed with no problems..the nurse also checked his head placement and said "wow, this kid is LOW!" :)

So 3 1/2 more weeks or so...WOW!!