Monday, January 03, 2011


What a relief...we still have 2 babies with 2 heartbeats!!

BABY A: measured 7w5d (exactly what i am) w/ a HB of 169
BABY B: measured 7w5d w/ a HB of 179

My uterus measures 11 weeks and my ovaries are both the same size as my uterus! No wonder why i look huge!

Everything looks good. I go back next week for another u/s (for my peace of mind) and then the following tuesday. If everything still looks good then we'll schedule one more u/s at 11weeks and then im off to my OB.

Im still feeling m/s 24/7. I havent really puked...just constantly nauseous...but im starving at the same time which is majorly confusing. The exhaustion is also hitting and im sleeping whenever i can. My bras are getting tighter which is super exciting to me! lol :)

Thanks everyone for the support. Im shocked how many people read this. Im trying to keep this on the DL on facebook until the 2T and i appreciate no one letting the cat out of the bag.


Jessica said...

So glad things are looking good! I had the feeling crappy/hungry thing going on in the 1T also. It sucked. I remember feeling it with Brody too but somehow, the yucky symptoms are worse when you have to care for an older child and can't relax whenever you want! :)

Nicki said...


Sarah said...

Congrats on the great ultrasound!!

Emily Nielson said...

What a relief! Hang in there, babies!!!

Sarah said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you!!