Wednesday, December 29, 2010

7 weeks!

I heart Wednesdays :)

Im feeling pretty blechy today but im trying to ignore it and get out of the house today. Jack has a Toys R Us gift card he wants to use (he wants Lots-o-huggie Bear) thats my big plans.

I emailed my nautropath about eating some gluten since the gluten free stuff (bread, bagels, pasta ect.) is making me gag and all i want is Chicken Noodle soup! She said shes just worried about me having an intestinal reaction to it since its been so long. Well i had some chicken Noodle Soup last night and it was fine! im still going to try to stay away from it as much as possible but i dont think im going to deprive myself anymore.

So symptoms:

the nausea is pretty constant, i havent thrown up since last week (which i think was just a stomach bug anyways) and i dry heaved on xmas. But i feel pretty crappy most of the day.
Im starving...i need to eat what seems like every hour but i can only tolerate small portions. Apples have been by far my biggest food source. I am so sick of tortilla chips. Pretzels and chips and chicken broth really help my belly.
My boobs have def grown but they dont hurt, just funny feelings every now and then.
I have Preggo brain really bad....its actually pretty frustrating.
I still get some pulling in my uterus here and there too but not as much as in the beginning.
The exhaustion isnt bad, i just overall have no energy but i dont feel like i cant keep my eyes open...which is good since i have Jack to care for.

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