Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lots of emotions

Well yesterday was my family Christmas party. Since the OHSS is making me look a good 4 months pregnant i was trying to hide my situation...well, i failed! I was there 5 minutes and the questions started coming. So the news is out. I was trying to keep the TWINS part out too but that came out as well. Oh well.

I hate that i cant enjoy this. I feel like i need to see heartbeats before i can truly breathe a little easier. The 2T will start 2/ counting the days!

Tomorrow i go back for another u/s..ill only be 5w5d but the doc wants to make sure theres growth from the last one. I doubt we'll see heartbeats but maybe we'll get lucky.

Pete is pretty much freaking out. The day we found out he came home and called around to banks to see if we qualify for a construction loan ( we only have a 2 bedroom house). He made a spreadsheet of our finances and were putting caps on how much we can spend grocery shopping and such so we can get a good down payment and get out of this tiny house. We're going to make it work though. If all works out we are going to move our bedroom down cellar and put in a bathroom down there..make our room the babies room..and convert the detached garage into an office. Pete works from home so he cant be in here with a 4y.o and newborn twins and try to work.

Jack....i think this has been my biggest concern. Jack is my little buddy, my pal...we do everything together. He is OBSESSED with me. Constantly loving on me, always needs to be next to me. Im so nervous i wont have the time to love him as much as i do now. I would stay up 24 hours to be able to give all my kids all the love they want. I just hope this doesnt change our relationship too much. I know he's gonna love having bro and sisters...he asks for them ALL the time.

Im not looking fwd to the newborn stage. I love babies but those first 3-6months are tough. Maybe itll be different with 2 and i wont have time to dwell on the nursing and the exhaustion. Jack STILL doesnt sleep through the night. Im gonna be a zombie.

Nursing...i nursed Jack for 15 months. I loved it. Can i nurse twins and have Jack to take care of? I HATE pumping...HATE IT! But i know i can do it. Itll save us a boat load of money so im going to try my hardest but i know for a fact im gonna have to supplement too. Jack was a lazy nurser maybe these babies will be better at it.

Pregnancy...My energy is GONE. I have NONE. I just want to lay on the couch and rest. Im STARVING. Im trying to get in alot of protein to help the babes grow. Im craving fruit and soup. I think i ate 3 apples and 2 pears yesterday on top of a whole plate full from the xmas party before i went to bed! Queasiness/Dizziness hits if i dont eat or just randomly throughout the day..but nothing too bad. My boobs have periods of soreness where it takes my breathe away and they are itchy!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Except for the twins part I totally could have written most of this. We are in the process of building our new home (stressful! let Pete handle it, you just relax. seriously). Our home is only two bedrooms also so we needed to move somewhere bigger. We won't be moving in till after the new baby gets here, but I am trying not to think of that. Brody also needs me to do everything for him. If Mike tries to dress him. rock him, whatever, he yells that he needs mommy to do it. Sometimes I think he is just trying to be a stinker, he really does love his dad. I also felt like crap in the beginning and I would try to get Brody interested in a quiet activity and then sit and watch him plsy. It was easier in the summer though, he can play outside for HOURS and I would just sit in a lawn chair and watch. Anyway, sorry for the novel. If you need/want to talk about it, let me know!