Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am so nausous! I am not complaining at all...ill take it in an instant. It started the day of the u/s and it really hasnt let up. I vomited at work last night and it was so bad i had to come home early. Im not going to try and be a hero and called to ask for some Zofran. I havent taken it yet but im glad i have the option.

I have no appetite but im starving.. weird, i know. Everything im craving (Papa Ginos pizza, Wendys chix sandwich, itailian grinder) is all stuff i cant have cause of the gluten free diet. And if i eat another corn chip i think ill scream!

Im finding sucking on candy helps alot..ive had so many pieces my tongue hurts!


Kim said...

i dont know a lot about gluten free diets but with twins you need more calories and more nutrition so maybe nix it for the pregnancy? Unless you think it is helping the PG.

Anonymous said...

i know it will sound weird but sour stuff helped ALOT with my second pregnancy. Sour patch kids, sour gummies, anything like that helped keep the nausea somewhat at bay (if that is possible :) )

congrats on the twins!!

Grad3 said...

Hope you keep feeling like crap for all the right reason ;) xoxo