Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beta #3

First off im feeling SO MUCH better! Im still bloated but everything is back to normal...it feels good to feel good again!

So onto my drama today. My beta is 2100 @ 20dpo. Doubling time of 56 hours. I was going to be happy with anything over 2000 so i was happy until the nurse said the doctor (who isnt mine btw) thinks thats "borderline"... WTF??

So of course ive been Dr. Googling up a storm...

Once your beta reaches 1200 it can take up to 96 hours to double and im well within the range of 48-72 hours of doubling....PLUS im still off the charts for a singleton or a twin pregnancy according to betabase. 2 or 3 babes might have implanted and im losing one is also a possibility.

They want me to come back on thursday for another beta and an u/s. I thought about it tonight and im am NOT doing the beta. Id rather go by just the u/s. I should have refused the 3rd beta too...UG!

Trying to remain positive.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'd say your beta numbers are fine! I think RE's are just very conservative in general and get worried about anything that isn't "average."

I agree -- save yourself the stress and don't get anymore beta tests. It's not like you can do anything about it anyway at this point, so you may as well wait for the ultrasound. Good luck!!