Monday, December 06, 2010


This morning i woke up and started doing things around the house i became short of breathe. This weekend everyday i felt more and more uncomfortable so i wasnt surprised.

i called the RE and they had me come right in. My BP was 158/82 my pulse was in the 120's my respirations were 28-32...they did a u/s and there is considerable amount of fluid in my abdomen. The fluid is pushing up on my oragns which is whats making me very uncomfortable.

The RE said this could indicate im pregnant since this is a late OHSS but its not a definite. I havent taken a test cause im too scared to see a negative test and have to struggle to breathe...thatd make for a bad day...

My blood work came back "hemoconcentrated" so its thick since im dehydrated. I need to go back tomorrow for a repeat. I need to try to drink alot of gatorade to get the fluid out. Thats hard since my belly cant hold much with the presuure. Ive been regurgitating ( nice, i know)..everytime i take a sip.

Im just really hoping this is because im pregnant with a healthy bab(ies) ...

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