Thursday, December 16, 2010

So far, so far, so good.

Why did i write that twice do you ask??

Because its TWINS!

They are both measuring 5w5d (im 5w 1d) so thats great. There was a fetal pole and yolk sac in each sac. I cant believe it!!!

I have pics that i keep looking at to help it all sink in.

So about my beta drama that gave me a complete heart attack for 48 hours...they thought it was a week apart not 4 days. Their protocol is to do the beta a week after the second so they never looked at the dates. My Dr. P was awesome about it took a good 15 minutes to calm me down. After that we did the ultrasound. I had a feeling from the get-go that it was twins so i wasnt really surprised. We were probably the most calm couple they have ever had that just found out that they are having twins. We know we have a long way to go...

But for right now, in this moment, everything is good. I go back Monday for another u/s to check growth and to see if there is a heartbeat. Ill only be 5w5d though so who knows.



Jessica said...

Wow! That is amazing! I will keep praying things keep going well.

Kim said...

so i am trying not to get too excited but i am excited!!!! congrats and you know who to talk to about multiples! :o)

Emily Nielson said...

HOORAY!!! Stick, little ones!!! Do you know if their genders?