Friday, October 16, 2009

The road to number 2!

So last New Years we found out i was pregnant. I got on the Lovenox and went in for a beta right away. The beta was low, 32 and then 48 hours later it was 32 again. So i knew something wasnt right. But then the betas rose appropriately. I felt fine so i tried to remain positive. But one night after dinner i started cramping and went to bed early. I woke up with the worst pain. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the ribs on the right side. I took some tylenol pm to help me go back to bed but the pain continued.. Then i had a gush of blood. Pete was awake with me and i knew we had to go to the hospital. Long story it was a ruptured ectopic and i lost the right tube, i was 6.6 wks. Recovery was awful and much worse then my section with jack. I went back to work 3 weeks later ( i work on a postpartum unit in the same hospital i had the surgery). I have to walk through Triage to get to the elevators, i had a panic attacks for the first 2 weeks back, i would cry and needed someone to walk with me up to the floor. It would take me an hour to pull myself together before i could see pts. Going through something like this is very difficult when you need to be around new moms and babies for 8 hours,in the the same hospital where you lost your baby. And taking care of assholes who do drugs or trashy people who just dont give a damn, gets to you. So it was hard. I started to see a counselor in feb and went on zoloft. It helped. I wasnt ready to try again for quite awhile, i needed to work on myself. So i focused on me and jack, lost 15 pounds and just had the summer to go on family trips and hang out with my miracle.

In June we went to a wedding on the Cape and spent the weekend there. This is the weekend we decided we'd go back to Dr. P and see what she had to say about our options. I called that monday and they had an appt available that coming Wed! I wasnt ready for it to be THAT soon! So we went in mid July. She basically told us our best bet would be to do the IVF/ PGD again. She also gave us the great news that the PGD would most likely be covered (it is, and thats 5000 dollars we thought we'd have to pay!!). Pete and i did all the tests and bloodwork and were ready to go in sept. The Egg retrieval was going to fall on Jacks birthday party weekend so we postponed it to this month.

So here we are...

IVF is a 4 part process.

Part one...suppression. I started this on Sept. 30. I take 10 units of Lupron every morning, its an injection that goes into my stomach. This take about 2 weeks. My period was 5 days late. I was very uncomfortable. I went in for my baseline on Oct 13th but my lining was still to thick so i had to go back once my period decided to show, which it did the next day (thank goodness!). So i went back on thursday 10/15, my lining went from 9 to 5.6 (needs to be under 7) so things were good to go.

Part two...stimulation. I started 200u of Follistim last night (another injection in the stomach). Im also still in the Lupron but its decreased to 5 u, i do that one in the morning. The Follistim, stimulates the follicles to grow. The follicles contain the eggs. The Lupron is still given so you dont ovulate while your follicles are growing. I go in this Sunday for bloodwork to make sure im not stimulating to quickly. I hyperstimmed my first cycle so we dont want that to happen again.

Part three...egg retrieval (ER). Prob around 10/25ish

Part 3.5.. PGD analysis...see which embryos are healthy (3 days after ER)., then embryo transfer (happens 5 days after egg retrieval).

Part 4..then we wait...


Nicki D said...

can't wait to follow your journey again :) best of luck to you torr! <3

Peg said...

I'm so praying for you. You deserve miracles! So it will happen.

Kim said...

I'll be following...good luck!!!

Jessica said...

Good Luck!