Friday, October 16, 2009

Jacks 2!!

Jack turned 2 on september 19th. We had a construction party theme. My neighbor and good friend, Tracey made an awesome dirt cake which was put into the back of a toy dump truck. I put oatmeal into a sandbox and put all of jack Wheel Pals in there with shovels such and i put drawing paper over 2 coffee tables and cut out little dump trucks for the kids to color. About 40 people and 10 kids came. It was chaos (since the party got moved into the house since it rained) but it was a great time :)
Jack is so much fun and everyday im so thankful for him. He's starting to talk more and more. Right now hes banging on the windown saying "HIIIIII" to the garbage truck. He says about 25 words and 2-3 word sentences. "Pop, Plllllllleasse" is his favorite lol. He loves cars, coloring, blues clues, jacks big music show, dora, the moose from nick jr., music (dancing!). I take him to Tumbles once a week for an art class which he loved but he's sick of it so we are going back to the regular gym class. His favorite is sliding down the slide and the obstacle courses, along with the zip line. He also loves being outside and going for walks around the neighborhood. He calls is juice his "boof". He loves to jump, give hugs, he hands you everything and if he's playing you have to do it with him. He's a good sharer and is constantly handing me his toys. The dogs are great with him. He bounces all over Nala and she could care less. Sadie more or less ignores him, lol. He's not very good at eating, but loves fruit, yogurt, french fries, hot dogs, and pizza..ohh and his pops! I buy those go gurt yogurts and freeze them :) Hes very social and is always saying "Hiiii" to people. He loves talking on the phone too. he just figured out how to undress himslef so thats been interesting! He naps in the morning 10-12 and sleeps from 8p-7a.
He's a great kid :) <3
Im still working 3-11, 24 hours a week. Its good hours since i dont miss too muc while im gone. My mother, FIL and Tracey watch him when im not here. Next sept im going to look into a preschool type program for him for 2 or so days a week.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am so happy to see an update from you! It inspired me to get my butt over to my blog that hasn't been touched since February! :) Good Luck on the road to baby #2! We are trying as well!