Saturday, September 15, 2007

37 weeks - FULL TERM!!!

Oh thank goodness! I remember thinking back to April when i started hemmorraging at 13 wks that this day would never get here...and here it is! This pregnancy by far has not been easy. Physically wise its been major heartburn, didnt throw-up, sleep hasnt been so bad...i've really enjoyed feeling pregnant.

On the other hand though...the shots 2 x a day along with the 4 finger pokes, the constant monitoring, the STUPID diabetes (i cannot WAIT to eat sugar again!), the worry over the bleeding, the lack of growth in Jacks legs...then lack in growth overall, worrying about the clotting d/o and hoping i make it to delivery day with a healthy LIVING baby...I AM DONE! I want him OUT, OUT, OUT!!!

I know i'll always worry b/c im a mom but, this part NEEDS to be over. I just want to see him, touch him, smell him...hear him cry, dress him, play with him, nurse him, see pete with him, see how the dogs react, see what he looks like. I am so ready for this to be OVER.

I will miss being pregnant, dont get me wrong. I'll miss feeling and seeing him move, the looks i get from ppl in public, like im some kind of cirus freak (im just pregnant people!), the attention i get from Pete, the excuse to take naps...i wish i could say the excuse to eat whatever i want but that didnt happen....oh how badly i want an oreo cookie shake!

Im so excited that this time next week ill be updating with my birth story instead of telling you all my symptoms and worries. This has def been a long road. Im ready to have my little family and start down a different path. 4 more days...


Anonymous said...

yay! i'm so happy. :)

Kim said...

YAY! How exciting. I think you should get one last belly pic before you deliver.

Grad3 said...

I can't believe it... it seems like yesterday I was just reading your post about the bfp ;)

Can't wait for the story... Hugs and more hugs!!!

Emily Nielson said...

OMG! I can't believe you finally made it! WOOHOOO!!!!! I'm so excited for your update. Good luck!