Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We've got a baby boy! :)

Jack Eugene born 9/19 6pounds 1oz. 18.8 inches

i need to sit down and write out a detailed birth story even though its something im actually trying to forget....but heres the short version

cervidil was placed at 1050pm.

I took an Ambien and woke up at 3am with contractions...nothing too bad but enough to know they werent "just cramps".

Cervidil qas taken out at 500 and we were transferred down to L&D at 615

my doctor came in at 630 to check me an break my water

water was broken at 635

Jack was born by emergency c-section at 642am..i felt everything

when my water was broken i guess the blood vessels to the placenta were embedded into the amniotic sac so Jack and i started hemmorraging.

if it wasnt for my quick thining OB and the fantastic NICU doctors, Jack wouldnt have made it.

His apgars were 1,2,2..which is not good at all.

He was intubated and transported to NICU...i saw them working on him and knew it wasnt good..when they transported him to NICU theydidnt even let me see him...thats when i lost it.

i waited so long for this moment and he was ripped away from me and i didnt even get to SEE him!

Since the tears are now coming i cant really write too much more about that...i will soon though.

But in the end Jack ended up doing wonderfully!! He was off the vent by 3pm that day and everytime they did bloodwork it kept getting better and better. He needed a blood transfusion and numerous saline boluses to replace all the fluid he lost.

He as able to come up to my room just 36 hours later...everyone was in shock on how well he did.

We have to follow up with a nuero doc and he may get placed into Early Intervention b/c of such a rough start. He may have some Nuerological problems down the line, which is really stressing me out, but right now he is acting like an appropriate newborn - whew!!

We got home on Sunday and things are going really well. He is nursing like a champ and barely cries. Im doing OK pysically...still in some pain. The hardest part has been accpeting how he was born. Im so thankful he is OK but im seriously traumatized by the events of his birth. Im cried for 2 days now and i just wont let him out of my sight...i know this is normal now..but im so frustrated that this (giving birth) couldnt go right since it was so hard to carry him!! I know that sounds petty..im working on it.


Kim said...

He is just the cutest! Congrats! I hope soon his traumatic birth will become a distant memory.

Anonymous said...

yay...HE IS SO ADORABLE. i vaguely knew what was going on with you guys and knew there was some troubles so i was really worried! i am glad to see that you are both doing great though. itll only get better from here. :)

Kristen said...

Wow, I am so sorry about the birth experience. But I am so glad you have a perfect baby boy. He is so precious. CONGRATULATIONS! XOXO

Anonymous said...

This is kimberly_999 from the ivillage boards. Congratulations!! He is beautiful! I am sorry it was such a rough start. Like others have said it will one get better from here.

nancy said...

Holy Moly!!!

At first, your birth story sounded just like the birth story with my first baby. Up until what happened after breaking the water. I just ended up in extreme labor for 22 hours.

How scary that must have been. I'm SO glad everything is okay and he's here AND adorable. Congrats!

battynurse said...

Wow. I'm sorry it was such a rough birth but he sure is a cutie. Congrats.

queen said...

Your birth story brought me to tears... you are one brave mama. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful blessing, that lovely baby!

littleangelkisses said...

I had the same condition as you and Jack had. My son is now 3. It's called Vasa Previa. We were lucky enough to have been diagnosed early, but I actually gasped when I read your birth story. (I found you through Lost and Found) There is a Vasa Previa group on yahoo for people who have gone through this experience. If you would like more information, please let me know.

Congratulations on your beautiful son! You are a very lucky woman!




Anonymous said...

I just wanted to congratulate you on the birth of your fist child. I hope that you are happy and know what you went threw was worth having that little percious boy in your arms.It is weird what some wommen have to go threw to have the miracle of life.I wish the birth could have been a great experience for you both.