Monday, February 01, 2010

u/s #4 and triggering

so my e2 for the 3rd check was 1374!! '

My u/s yesterday showed around 23 follicles (the nurse said there "multiple" little(r) ones under 12 - doesnt she know im anal and i NEED to know exactly what "multiple" means?! lol but anyway 14 are measurable follicles and they are ranging from 12-24mm...3 of these are not mature but should be by tomorrow am.

I triggered last night at 730pm and my retrieval is 7am tomorrow morning (im the first one). I also went to acupuncture yesterday. And my e2 was 1743 yesterday. Im bloated, drinking gatorade and so ready for the next step!!!

wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Good Luck!